3 Things I Want To Cook On A Blackstone Griddle

Cooking vegetables and chicken on a blackstone griddle

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The Blackstone Griddle. Have you seen these? They are all over. The griddle is essentially a large rectangular surface that you can cook on. Blackstone is one of the most recognizable and prominent brands available. This has been on my cooker want list for a long time. We all have a cooker want list correct? 

If you are an outdoor cooking enthusiast like me then you know what it's like to have multiple cookers and want more. The Blackstone Griddle is the latest on my list strictly because of the things I want to cook on it. Being the host of The Grill Coach Podcast I get the pleasure to talk alot about cookers, techniques and different food to cook outside. 

The 3 things I’m excited about cooking on the Blackstone Griddle are:

  1. Breakfast Hash

  2. Smash Burgers

  3. Teppanyaki 

One could have an epic Griddle day and cook all three of these meals in the same day. I will share with you these amazing ideas so you can include them into your rotation of great meals cooked outside. If you don't yet own a griddle please check out our other article 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a Blackstone Griddle.  

Breakfast Hash

Let's get to the first thing I can't wait to cook on a Blackstone Grill: Breakfast! I like to feast for breakfast. My favorite griddle breakfast is a hash. 

breakfast hash cooked on a blackstone griddle

What is a Breakfast Hash? 

A hash is a meat and potato combination fried together with onions and butter. Keep it classic with ham and potatoes, or spice it up with some chorizo. That’s just the beginning, the possibilities are endless. Add some smoked meat into the picture, and it’s a *chefs kiss* winner!

How do you make a breakfast hash? 

I start my hash with potatoes and onions. I dice up the potatoes and get them cooking first because typically they take the longest to cook. I put some oil or beef tallow on the griddle with a nice pile of diced red potatoes. I want to let them sear to almost have some crispy edges for texture. The onions will add some sweetness and bring the dish together. 

For the meat in the hash, I want something really flavorful, smokey and salty. My goto is a leftover brisket or “Nextover” brisket (checkout our episode The Grill Coach Guide to Nextovers!). I would dice up the brisket about the same size as the potatoes and mix all together with salt, pepper and Buttery Steakhouse

While I have this pile on the griddle, I would splash the whole mix with a little bit of water to create steam and cover the mixture with the dome. This will bring together all the flavors that will be ultimately savory and hearty. 

There are two things to make this dish complete. Toast and Eggs. Slather some butter or more tallow on the bread and place on a nice hot spot on the griddle. While that is going, use cooking spray on a medium hot spot to crack a couple of eggs on. Let the eggs dry up around the edges and then cover to cook the whites only. You really want a runny yolk flowing all over the top of this dish. Use a dome over the eggs sparingly, just to get the whites cooked. Don't forget to add your favorite seasoning to your eggs. 

Hopefully you flipped the toast at some point. 

For the ultimate presentation, place a single slice of toast with a heap of the hash and a fried egg on top. Garnish with some fresh scallions and red pepper flakes. This is a very easy meal all cooked on the same surface that offers plenty of opportunity to put your own spin on things. Enjoy!

Smash Burgers

When you are done with that amazing breakfast, let's prepare the next great thing to cook on the Blackstone Griddle. The next item is burgers. Not just any burgers, but we are going with smash burgers. 

What are Smash Burgers? 

Smash Burgers are “simply” ground beef or other ground meat that you have lightly packed together into a small ball, which you then take and put on a hot griddle or flat surface and then (most importantly) smash down with a spatula or press until your desired flatness.  

You will need a rather large spatula to perfect the art of smash burgers, check out this 5 piece accessory kit to get the essentials for this and any Blackstone Griddle Meal! 

smashing burgers on a blackstone griddle

Why are Smash Burgers so special? 

Smash Burgers on the Blackstone Griddle allows more texture and flavor to be added to our burgers by creating more surface to achieve peek crispiness and taste. 

How do you make Smash Burgers? 

I have a large family to cook for so I’m typically getting set up to build your own burger. 

First, let’s discuss the canvas that our burger begins with, the meat and bread. 

The burger is best when it is 80/20, meat to fat ratio. If you are going to add some more fat to your burger, like chorizo, pork or bacon. You may consider using a leaner burger meat to mix in. 

Once you have chosen your meat, add some simple seasonings, like the new Caramelized Onion Butter, and form your meat into a ball approximately 6 to 8 ounces. 

On your hottest spot of your griddle add some oil or tallow to a spot and press the burger down on that spot getting it as flat as you can. When doing this, you should hear quite a bit of sizzle as the meat is getting a crusty flavor built up as soon as it hits the griddle. 

Use all your senses while cooking and look for the edges to dry up meaning that our meat is developing a crunchy crust. Using a griddle spatula scrape and cut the meat off the griddle as you get ready to flip. You should see a great color surface that is crispy and crunchy waiting for you to add some cheese for melty goodness. Don't be afraid to load the cheese thick, just use the dome and a little water for steam to melt on that cheese. This is also a chance to double up the patty and cheese. Use your imagination. The style of cooking on a Blackstone Griddle is great for this. 

The bread is a lot more simple, just butter the inside of the bun and place it on a spot on the griddle. Dont skip this step because a toasted bun adds so much to a great burger. The textures and flavors of a smash burger lends to so many options it is mind blowing on what you can end up with. 

Some of my favorite things to put on a burger are classic lettuce, tomato and bacon. By the way, quick bonus cooking advice here. Cook the bacon on the Blackstone Griddle with a press to keep bacon from shriveling up. Other items, grilled onions and mushrooms or how about a fried egg? 

smash burger cooked on a blackstone griddle with cheese and bacon

See how the possibilities can never end. You must get a Blackstone Griddle and make smash burgers! Get creative and share with us to discuss on the podcast, we would love to shout great homemade recipes.


Anyone reading this should be convinced by now that you need a Blackstone Griddle in your life, but before you leave let's discuss one other technique that allows you to cook outside and create great memories for your family and friends. We are now talking Teppanyaki! 

What is Teppanyaki? 

Teppanyaki is a Japanese form of grilling one meal on a flat griddle. It is derived from Teppan which means a flat iron plate and Yaki which means grilled or pan fried. This is sometimes referred to as Hibachi. 

How do you make teppanyaki on a blackstone griddle? 

This incredible meal starts with making fried rice. How cool is it to make fried rice outside? Get some cooked day old rice on a hot buttered griddle and add some soy sauce (you’ll eventually add in your chopped veggies and protein, more on that below) and mix these all together in a big mound. 

Make sure to add seasonings to make this flavorful. This can all be pushed to one side as all the components can meld together for great taste. I love to add a scrambled egg to my fried rice mix to provide some body and balance. 

While the fried rice is holding, then use your hot part of the Blackstone Griddle to quickly cook your favorite chopped protein, like steak, chicken, shrimp or scallops. Don't be afraid to cook all of these and allow your eaters to get some of everything. 

Lets not forget veggies! Get some finely chopped onions, peppers, squash, bok choy, etc. You get it. Any veggies that can be cut up small and stir fried, you can do this on your Blackstone Griddle. I would prefer to have my family or guest come by and I will scoop your desired food right into your plate so you can have it right off the Griddle. 

Closing Thoughts

I love the versatility of cooking on a Blackstone Griddle because I can cook just about anything on the Griddle in a quick and easy manner. I love the different techniques that can be used depending on what you want to cook or when you want to cook. Let us know below your favorite meals to cook on your outdoor griddle! Now, Get Outside and Griddle!


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